Produse pentru saci de sac (215)

Sac Ziplock cu câmp de scriere 300x400mm 50µ - Sac Ziplock/sac cu fermoar

Sac Ziplock cu câmp de scriere 300x400mm 50µ - Sac Ziplock/sac cu fermoar

Our ziplock bags with a labeling field are made from PE-LD. However, these writable zip bags can also be made of other materials (PE-HD, PP). Ziplock bags with a labeling field are suitable, for example, for use in the food sector, but also for presentation and sales. Ziplock bags with a labeling field are freeze-resistant from a material thickness of 50µ. We offer ziplock bags with a labeling field in different versions (blocked and perforated, with a round hole, with a ventilation hole, in an extra strong design, etc.), sizes and formats. We would be happy to advise you when purchasing ziplock bags with a labeling field or alternative products. Our ziplock bags with labeling field have very good barrier properties and are particularly notable for their tear resistance and stability. Would you like to have the ziplock bags printed? We print your ziplock bags using the flexographic printing process with up to six colors. Motifs that are often requested Product number:1100-30040051 Type of closure:Snap closure / zipper Particularities:Printable , food safe
Saci cu Șnur din Material Nețesut

Saci cu Șnur din Material Nețesut

Non-Woven Drawstring Bags Example: Non woven sports bag, backpack, drawstring bag with view window, marathon bag for Aktiv Leben, Austria Order: 8,000 pieces Format: 35 x 40cm + approx. 3cm (width x height + folded rim) Material: 110 g/m² non-woven material dyed red Printing: 1 colour black, logo, front side only (rear side view window) Handles: 2 white PP cords with knots running through the folded rim. Diameter 6mm, running down both sides two cords to the two metal grommets placed in the base, knotted. 4 x 40cm + 2 x 35cm + 40 cm extra = 270cm for each bag. Metal Grommets: 2 metal grommets placed in the lower corners Finishing: Sewn sports bag. Cords running through the folded rim and then through grommets. View Window: PVC window suitable for business cards, transparent, placed directly under the middle of the back of the bag, window size 6cm high, 9cm long, bonded. Packaging: Secure and easy to carry boxes, on pallets. Shipping: Free shipping via sea and duty paid to a curb...
Pungă cu fund stabil

Pungă cu fund stabil

Standbodenbeutel mit Druckverschluss Standbodenbeutel Kraftpapier mit Fensterstreifen mit Druckverschluss beidseitige Aufreißkerbungen Stärke:Kraft40/PET12/CPP60 Füllmenge: 100ml- 3000ml


Unsere Pharmaverpackungen sichern die Einhaltung der Kühlkette beim Versand von temperaturpflichtigen Medikamenten und Pharmaprodukten.
Pungi cu jeleuri cu imprimare personalizată

Pungi cu jeleuri cu imprimare personalizată

Süße Werbung mit Gummibärchen besitzt eine ganz besondere Anziehungskraft und schenkt Ihren Kunden ein positives und bleibendes Erlebnis. Flowpacks bzw. Schlauchbeutel mit individueller Bedruckung
Etichete pentru Containere

Etichete pentru Containere

Produkte zur Kennzeichnung im Betrieb. In unserem Shop bieten wir Ihnen Produkte zu einer übersichtlichen, gut sichtbaren und detaillierten Kennzeichnung für Lager, Werkstatt und Produktion an.
Pelete din lemn Sac de 15kg

Pelete din lemn Sac de 15kg

Holzpellets aus Holzresten Pellets eignen sich besonders für die Verfeuerung in automatischen Zentralheizungen oder Pellet-Kaminöfen
Plan de Evacuare și Salvare

Plan de Evacuare și Salvare

Flucht- und Rettungsplan. Nach § 55 der Arbeitsstättenverordnung hat der Arbeitgeber für jede Arbeitsstätte einen Flucht- und Rettungsplan aufzustellen, wenn Lage, Ausdehnung und Art der Nutzung der Arbeitsstätte das erfordern. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Flucht- und Rettungspläne ist die Brandschutzordnung nach DIN 14096 Teil A. Eine gesonderte Form des Flucht- und Rettungsplanes stellt der Sammelplatzplan dar, bei dem zusätzlich zu allen Angaben des Flucht- und Rettungsplanes noch die Sammelplätze angegeben sind.
Saci R-PET

Saci R-PET

Auflage: Ab 2.500 Stück Format : 45 x 35 x 12 cm + ca. 3 cm (Breite x Höhe x Tiefe + Randumschlag) Material: 140 g/m² R-PET mit laminierter BOPP Folie Druck: Gravur-Tiefdruck 4 farbig 100%-Druckfläche Front und Rückseite, Seitenteile + Boden einfarbig mit Bebilderung 100% Druckzylinder-Gravur: 4 farbig inklusive plus Seitenteile einfarbig Griffe: Zwei Trageschlaufen gewebtes PP Band, Länge 2 x 70 cm Breite ca. 3 cm, schwarz Verarbeitung: Als exklusive, beschichtete R-PET Tasche genäht, Henkel vernäht am Randumschlag, ein Einfassband über der Naht aufgenäht als Abschluss, im Boden mittig eine Falte, umlaufender Biese
Genți cu clapete rezistente la intemperii și genți cu mânere

Genți cu clapete rezistente la intemperii și genți cu mânere

Borse con patelle resistenti alle intemperie e Borse con manici in plastica
Saci de plajă din bumbac - accesoriu de plajă

Saci de plajă din bumbac - accesoriu de plajă

Sacs de plage en coton
Saci din nailon și poliester

Saci din nailon și poliester

Beispiel: Polyester Taschen bedrucken, umverpackende Tragetasche für Präsentationskoffer, Tasche für Musterkoffer - Teppichwelten, Südbund, Deutschland Auflage: 1.200 Stück Format: 50 cm Breite x 45 cm Höhe x 22 cm Tiefe Material: Schwarzes Polyester 600 D, genäht mit schwarzem Nylongarn Druck: Siebdruck 2-farbig, gemäß Mustertasche Griff: Henkel 2 x 45 cm x 3,5 cm aus Polyester 600 D, kreuzvernäht, und mit 2 Metallringen befestigt an der Tasche, dazu ein Schultergurt, Länge 130 cm x 5 cm mit Polster und einem metallenen Feststeller und metallenem Aufhänger Kreuznähte als Schlaufenbefestigung Reißverschluss: Durch den Öffnungsbereich laufend bis oberhalb in die kurzen Seiten, schwarz Kunststoff, mit zwei Schiebern aus Metall Verarbeitung: Randumschlag im Öffnungsbereich und die Schlaufen kreuzvernäht, in den Boden eingefasst von Polyester 600 D und eingenäht eine Plastikplatte Verpackung: Handlich und transportsicher in Kartons verpackt Lieferzeit: Ca. 70 bis 90 Tage nach...
Pungi ziplock LDPE antistatice 75my roz 180x250mm - Pungă ziplock/pungă zip

Pungi ziplock LDPE antistatice 75my roz 180x250mm - Pungă ziplock/pungă zip

Product information "Antistatic LDPE ziplock bag 75my pink 180x250mm" Antistatic LDPE ziplock bags 75my pink Product number:1154-18025075 Type of closure:Snap closure / zipper Particularities:Printable , food safe
Saci Woven din PP

Saci Woven din PP

Auflage: Ab 1.000 Stück Größe: 43 x 39 x 15 cm (Breite x Höhe x Tiefe) plus Randumschlag Material: 140 g/m² PP Woven, weiß, glänzend laminiert Druck: 1-farbig auf den Frontseiten, beidseitig gleiches Motiv, Seitenteile einfarbig Druckvorstufe: Alle anfallenden Kosten sind bereits im Endpreis enthalten Griffe: Zwei gerippte Nylonbänder als Trageschlaufen, Länge 70 cm, Breite 2,5 cm Verarbeitung: Ein Einfassband über der Naht aufgenäht als Abschluss
Sac zip cu câmp pentru ștampilă 100x150mm 90µ - Sac ziplock/sac zip

Sac zip cu câmp pentru ștampilă 100x150mm 90µ - Sac ziplock/sac zip

Product information "Zip lock bags, with labeling field 50-90µ" Request zip lock bags with labeling field, print on resealable bags Pressure lock bags - ZIP bags, labeling field, 50-90µ, in various sizes Our ziplock bags with a labeling field are made from PE-LD. However, these writable zip bags can also be made of other materials (PE-HD, PP). Ziplock bags with a labeling field are suitable, for example, for use in the food sector, but also for presentation and sales. Ziplock bags with a labeling field are freeze-resistant from a material thickness of 50µ. We offer ziplock bags with a labeling field in different versions (blocked and perforated, with a round hole, with a ventilation hole, in an extra strong design, etc.), sizes and formats. We would be happy to advise you when purchasing ziplock bags with a labeling field or alternative products. Our ziplock bags with labeling field have very good barrier properties and are particularly notable for their tear resistance and stability. Product number:1100-10015091 Type of closure:Snap closure / zipper Particularities:Printable , food safe
Sac Ziplock 120x170mm 50µ - implicit

Sac Ziplock 120x170mm 50µ - implicit

Our ziplock bags/bags with quick-release fasteners are usually made of PE-LD and are suitable for use in the food sector, among other things. From a material thickness of 50µ, the ziplock bags are freezable. Resealable bags with ziplock are intuitive to use, which is why ziplock bags/zip bags have become the standard packaging in almost all industries. We offer ziplock bags/zip bags in various designs, formats and sizes and would be happy to advise you on the best packaging for your product. Possible variants are ziplock bags with labeling field, ziplock bags with Euro holes or ziplock bags with print. Our zip bags are characterized by their stability, tear resistance and flexibility. In addition, the ziplock bags have good barrier properties. Would you like to have the bags with pressure seals printed? We print your ziplock bags with up to six colors using the flexographic printing process. Motifs that are often requested for ziplock Product number:1100-12017050 Type of closure:Snap closure / zipper Particularities:Freeze resistant , food safe
Saci pentru Cămăși (PE)

Saci pentru Cămăși (PE)

Format : 27 cm Breite x 49,5 cm Höhe x 15 cm Tiefe (2 x 7,5 cm Seitenfalte) Material: 7 micron HDPE, transparent Druck: nein Griff: zwei Hemdchentragegriffe Verarbeitung : als automatisch gefertigte Tragetasche ohne Verstärkungen Verpackung: handlich und transportsicher in Kartons verpackt, auf Palette Liefertermin: gemäß Produktionsplan Versand: frei Haus (LKW oder Rampe), verzollt, eine Adresse in Deutschland
Saci din PP Nețesut

Saci din PP Nețesut

Auflage: Ab 1.000 Stück Größe: 44 cm Breite x 40 cm Höhe x 15 cm Tiefe + 5 cm Randumschlag Material: 120 g/m² PP Non-Woven, weiß, matt laminiert (0,05 €/Stück Aufpreis für 140 g/m² schweres Material) Druck: Gravur-Tiefdruck, 2/0-farbig, Druckfläche: 100 % (gleiche Farben auf beiden Front-seiten), Seitenteile vollflächig einfarbig, sämtliche Drucknebenkosten inklusive Griffe: Vier Nylon-Ripsbänder, 2 x 40 cm und 2 x 80 cm lang, 2,5 cm breit, am Randumschlag Innen kreuzvernäht Verarbeitung: Als exklusiv gefertigte Tragetasche mit umnähter Verstärkung im Boden, mit Einfass-Bändern rund um die schmalen Seiten
Sac din jută cu șnur

Sac din jută cu șnur

Sac à cordon en jute
Sac din iută cu șnur

Sac din iută cu șnur

Borsa con cordoncino di iuta
Saci din sfoară netesută

Saci din sfoară netesută

Borse con cordoncino in tessuto non tessuto Esempio: Borsa sportiva in tessuto non tessuto, zaino, borsa con coulisse con finestra a vista, borsa maratona per Aktiv Leben, Austria Order: 8.000 pezzi Formato: 35 x 40cm + circa 3cm (larghezza x altezza + bordo ripiegato) Materiale: 110 g/m² materiale non tessuto non tessuto tinto in rosso Stampa: 1 colore nero, logo, solo lato anteriore (finestrino posteriore) Maniglie: 2 corde in PP bianco con nodi che attraversano il bordo piegato. Diametro 6mm, scorrendo lungo entrambi i lati due cordoncini ai due gommini metallici posti nella base, annodati. 4 x 40cm + 2 x 35cm + 40 cm extra = 270cm per ogni borsa. Occhielli metallici: 2 occhielli metallici posti negli angoli inferiori. Finitura: Borsa sportiva cucita. Cavi che corrono attraverso il cerchio piegato e poi attraverso gli occhielli. Finestra panoramica: Finestra in PVC adatta per biglietti da visita, trasparente, posta direttamente sotto il centro del retro della borsa, misura...
Saci de transport

Saci de transport

Create carrying bags. Which bag for which purpose? As a full-service provider and manufacturer, we direct and determine the production, logistics, and if desired the storage (outsourced to us by you) of your bag. Bags today – besides their use value – are multifunctional cultural objects. Whether they're colourful or casual, stylish or elegant. bagobag, the bag manufacturer, produces every type of promotional bag: exclusive paper and plastic carrying bags, paper sacks, cotton bags, pp woven bags, non woven bags and, as always, plastic sacks. We serve individual shop owners as well as exhibitors at trade fairs or in the most high-value markets. By strategically conceptualizing paper and plastic carrying sacks, we effectively implement your corporate identity. We customize the promotional format of your exclusive paper and plastic carrying bags to your needs. Our attention is concentrated on significantly increasing value for your business. In higher ranking advertising...
Genți de colegiu din țesătură PP

Genți de colegiu din țesătură PP

College bags PP Woven College bags PP Woven are a mix of messenger bag, shoulder bag with overlap with the simplicity and tear strength of PP woven bags. They have only one strap from left to right. The belt is height adjustable and made of a nylon material. The bags PP Woven in the style of a college bag can contain folders, study documents or even a laptop. We can do the printing for you in gravure gravure. The size of the bag in width x height x depth can be your choice. You can also set a child size.
Saci de plajă din bumbac

Saci de plajă din bumbac

Cotton Beach bags
Sac din jută cu șnur

Sac din jută cu șnur

Jute Drawstring Bag
Geantă - Cu sau fără clapă

Geantă - Cu sau fără clapă

Formas de bolsas - anchura, altura, profundidad, con o sin solapa - ¡usted decide! Cuando usted elige bolsas tejidas, es completamente libre de determinar su tamaño, forma y estilo. Ya sea una simple caja con dos asas cortas o dos largas o dos asas cortas y dos largas, o una simple bolsa de mensajería tejida con una correa ancha o con una solapa o un cinturón - todo depende de usted. Para las bolsas de mensajería con cinturón, que también se pueden llamar bandoleras, bolsas de mensajería o bolsas universitarias, el cinturón puede ser ajustable o no ajustable, y puede incluir una correa para el hombro o dejarlo afuera. Le asesoraremos en sus elecciones y le ayudaremos a realizar su proyecto. Fabricamos bolsas tejidas a medida para usted en todos los formatos imaginables. La mayoría de nuestros clientes vuelven una y otra vez. Nos eligen porque confían en nuestros consejos.
Genți - Cu sau fără clapetă de strângere

Genți - Cu sau fără clapetă de strângere

Forme della borsa - larghezza, altezza, profondità, con o senza patta - tutto dipende da voi! Quando si scelgono le borse intrecciate, si è completamente liberi di determinarne la dimensione, la forma e lo stile. Che si tratti di una semplice scatola con due manici corti o due manici lunghi o due manici corti e due lunghi, o di una semplice borsa a tracolla larga o con patta o cintura - tutto dipende da voi. Per le borse a tracolla con cintura, che può anche essere chiamata borsa a tracolla, borsa a tracolla o borsa universitaria, la cintura può essere regolabile o non regolabile, e si può includere una tracolla o lasciarla all'esterno. Vi consiglieremo nelle vostre scelte e vi aiuteremo a realizzare il vostro progetto. Produciamo per voi borse tessute su misura in tutti i formati immaginabili. La maggior parte dei nostri clienti torna sempre più volte. Ci scelgono perché si fidano dei nostri consigli.
Variante de Închidere – Sacii de Transport Permanenți - Sacii Woven

Variante de Închidere – Sacii de Transport Permanenți - Sacii Woven

Closure Variations – Woven Bags – Permanent Carrying Bags Customers who would like to better protect their articles in a PP woven shopping bag or to ensure that their products are not exposed to sun, dirt, or rain, can choose between various possibilities. Woven bags with snap buttons offer protection even in the bag opening. Most woven bags have no closure at all. Snap buttons are available in plastic or metal quality and in multiple colours. For woven bags which are square shaped and have a depth of up to 15cm, a snap button in the middle of the top of the folded rim is often adequate. When the bags are to be used as promotional, shopping, or trade fair bags, customers want them to be easy to open and close again. Both the closure you choose as well as the format and measurements of the bag you design will help to achieve this. Functionality for the user comes from a combination of form and function. If you're looking for woven bags to be filled with broschures and give-aways...
Sac din bumbac

Sac din bumbac

Beispiel: Erich Schmidt Verlag - blau nach Muster eingefärbte Baumwolltaschen / Siebdruck ☀ Auflage: 2.000 Stück ☀ Format: 38cm x 42cm (+- 1 Zentimeter) ☀ Material: 140g/qm Gewebe konventionelle Baumwolle, gefärbt in Blau, angenähert an HKS 31, Ton gefärbt nach der Produktion vorliegenden Mustertasche ☀ Druck Siebdruck: 4/4 farbig, (weiß, blau, rot, grün) ☀ Griff: lange Henkeln 40cm x 2,5cm, Kreuznähte an der Schlaufenbefestigung am Taschenkörper und längs auf beiden langen Seiten die Träger vernäht, doppelt genommen im Material ☀ Verarbeitung: Randumschlag im Öffnungsbereich und kreuzvernäht die Schlaufen ☀ Verpackung: Handlich und transportsicher in 7 lagigen Kartons verpackt zu 250 Stück ☀ Produktionszeit: 1 Monat plus Lieferung ☀ Versand: Frei Haus, D – Berlin, verzollt
Saci din bumbac cu logo-ul tău

Saci din bumbac cu logo-ul tău

Borse in cotone con il tuo logo! Stampa di sacchetti di cotone - a partire da 500 copie. Stampa Borse in cotone con il tuo logo. Se volete che il vostro marchio abbia un effetto duraturo, ditelo con un sacchetto di cotone stampato. Esempio: Sacchetti di cotone della casa editrice Erich Schmidt, tintura blu secondo il campionario/serigrafia Inchiesta ☀ Ordine: 2.000 pezzi ☀ Formato: 38cm x 42cm (+- 1 cm) ☀ Materiale: 140g/m² cotone convenzionale, tinto in blu, vicino a HKS 31, tinto secondo il sacchetto campione fornito per la produzione ☀ Stampa: Stampa serigrafica 4/4 colori (bianco, blu, rosso, verde) ☀ Maniglie: Manici lunghi 40 cm x 2,5 cm, cuciti a croce sul corpo della borsa e orizzontalmente lungo entrambi i lati lunghi dei manici, materiale raddoppiato ☀ Finitura: bordo piegato sull'apertura e manici cuciti a croce ☀ Confezione: Facile da trasportare, imballaggio sicuro in scatole da 250 pezzi accatastati 7 alti ☀ Tempo di produzione: 1 mese più consegna ☀